MacBook – rMBP Trackpad slips when trying to scroll

macbook proscrollingtrackpad

Hello I just got my first ever MBP Retina and I was wondering if this is normal :

Sometimes I try to scroll upwards or downwards (natural way) and the mouse moves instead of scrolling the page up and down. Im not sure why this happens, is there a specific way how I should position my fingers on the trackpad ? Or perhaps the distance between each finger ?


Best Answer

Normally, this means you just don't put both fingers at the same time. Try sticking your index and the other finger together and moving your arm or your wrist instead of trying to move the individual fingers. You'll get used to it.

The animated videos in the System Preferences -> Trackpad are a good example of the safest way to do the gesture. Once you get the hang of them, do them like you want, but it's a good starting point.
