Mouse scroll and trackpad behaving differently


I am using a dell mouse with my mac. Although in most context scrolling the mouse wheel produces the same effect as swiping down with two fingers, it sometimes happen that the mouse does not work. One example is with vim (terminal).

I press the shift key and scroll: nothing happens. I press the shift key and swipe down and the page shifts.


I tried with Better touch tool but it is of no help.

Best Answer

Shift/scrollwheel is horizontal scroll, which will only work, of course, if there is somewhere to scroll to horizontally.

I've never used a trackpad, but I presume horizontal scroll on a trackpad can be quite specifically indicated by horizontal movement - it can't, of course, on a mouse-wheel.

As noted in comments by timothymh, SteerMouse ($20) can override this behaviour & set Page Up/Page Down to the shift/scroll action.

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