MacBook – osx 10.8.2 update – wrong smc

macbook pro

the last update caused a white screen with a grey symbol. OSX 10.8.2 doesn't start.
I have a MacBook Pro Mid 2010
I can do nothing. Recovery, Internet Installation, everything failed.
I found out that the wrong SMC Version was installed. It installed 1.68f99 and i need 1.62f7 (SMC 1.6)
The boot ROM Version is right.
What can I do?
Can somebody help me?

BR Stefan

Best Answer

Incorrect firmware could be something that you can not recover from and result in a trip to the Genius Bar or another authorized service center where they can work with engineering to determine if user error or a bug resulted in the incorrect firmware loading or if they need to re-flash the EFI or just replace the logic board to get back to the proper / supported version of firmware for your hardware.

In the past - when a firmware revision has been problematic and there are reasons for a substantial portion of the user base to want to regress to an earlier version of firmware, Apple has released firmware recovery toolsto the public. In your case, I don't see public versions of the firmware you seek, so these may only distributed to service centers and not end users or not something Apple has released a tool to remedy. You still can seek service options since firmware is something that can be exchanged with a part swap as part of a repair.