MacBook – Mail.App deleted, how to restore it (It’s not anywhere accessible on restore media)

macbook promail.apprestoresnow leopard

This is a pretty simple question.

I removed the Mail.App app early on on my Macbook Air, and now I want to take a look at using Mail.

It's not in my time-machine backups, and looking at the files on the restore thumbdrive, I can't see where it could be. Apparently it's not part of iLife, so short of reinstalling the entire OS, I'm not sure how to get it back.

Also, *Doh*

Best Answer

It's there, just hidden from casual viewing via the Finder. Open a Terminal and type

$ open /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages

(Tip: typing "/Volumes/Mac" and the Tab key should autocomplete the DVD name.)