MacBook – Force Click Not Working on Macbook

macbook protrackpad

Recently got a new Macbook Pro. It has Force click technology where you can lookup the definition of words by clicking hard on the trackpad. It worked bon day1 but it does not seem to work anymore and I am not sure why.

The feature itself is definitely enabled, although I am not getting any feedback / popup with info.

Any idea why this is? I appreciate any advice on how to troubleshoot as this is a great feature and I would like to make use of it

Best Answer

Try using it in a native Apple application like Safari. I am suspecting that you are using Chrome, Opera, or some other application outside of the Apple ecosystem.

If it doesn't work in Safari, then your you need to take it in for service straight away.

If it does work, then you know that the hardware is good. What's left is that the 3rd party app developers need to add the "force touch" support into their code.