Macbook Air 2015 fan at 7000rpm

macbook properformance

I have a brand new Macbook Air and since first start fan is pretty loud.
I've tried SMC restart but that didn't helped.
Now I have installed SMC FAN CONTROL and it's showing that fan speed is currently 6945rpm after the restart, and before it was at 7065rmp.

And fan is pretty loud since I press power button on.
Any idea how to fix it and is it even possible to be 7000rpm?

Best Answer

The difference between 6945rpm & 7065rmp might just be the noise in the measurement - these are both basically saying "7000 rpm".

Perhaps one of the thermal sensors isn't attached/set properly (although this would be unusual for a brand new computer), so it always runs at maximum fan speed just to be safe (which might be nominally 7000rpm in your case).

Since it's brand new I'd take it back and ask the Apple Store to check it.


I found out after years that DropBox (along with some other progs) would caused my fans to blaze. Perhaps because I was syncing a massive work DBox drive, it was always computing at max power.

I quit DropBox and the fans start to slow down to a reasonable level. Quitting would DropBox drop the CPU temp and fan speed within ~15-30 sec, although quitting other programs (such as MS Office apps, NetFlix in a browser window) sometimes had some effect if DropBox was already closed. Since I wanted DBox syncing on, and this indicated that the fans were just blazing due to actual CPU usage (not some hardware problem), I would just learn to live with it (or quit DBox when I wanted a quieter computer).