MacBook – 3rd party drive or standard in a new MBP

macbook prossd

so I'm looking to buy a new 17'' Macbook Pro, but I'm having a hard time deciding if I should buy it with a solid state included, or buy my own and stick it in. I've heard that the Toshiba drives they put in (for $1100) aren't as good as some other drives you could buy for closer to $800. Is there any truth to this? Any recommendations/links would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

For something like this, I would always buy my own and put it in for two reasons:

  1. cost
  2. you get an extra drive to play with

You will find better deals on SSDs if you purchase your own. However, there is one reason you would want to go with the Apple-supplied drive:

  1. TRIM support

That's about it. I guess, if you know and value what TRIM support is, you only have one choice. If you are fine putting in your own drive and don't value TRIM support, then you have other options.