Lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse


I have an old 5 button Microsoft mouse (Laser Mouse 6000) and forever I've assigned the thumb button to "back" in the browser and the middle mouse button to "next app" on the desktop. Since I've installed Lion, this doesn't seem to work. The settings in the "Microsoft Mouse" panel in System Preferences don't seem have any effect.

Is there another way to map mouse buttons? I've noticed that Mission Control seems to detect my 5 buttons and let me assign them, but only to Mission Control functions. I don't see anywhere else where I can do this. Do I just need to wait for new MS drivers? Thanks.

Best Answer

BetterTouchTool's "Normal Mouse" area allows you to assign functions to all kinds of mouse buttons and should work for you. It's free, too, so it won't hurt to try.

The author has issued a couple of recent updates to make it more compatible with Lion. There are still a couple of small things but I'm using it every day (previously with my mouse, now with my trackpad) and it's tremendously useful.