ITunes: making it remember the last song and position


I have a big collection of music. I thought it would be so natural to remember the last playlist, the last song (and possibly also the position within the song) that I played before I closed iTunes, e.g. because I restarted the computer. So many applications do this, take XCode for example.

So is there maybe a script, or some kind of a plugin that does this? Or any other way?

Or maybe we should ask Apple to add this simple functionality?

Update: iTunes 10.6 remembers the last playlist, but still not the last played song. Well, getting closer each year…

Best Answer

You can use the Relaunch application: before close iTunes take a snapshot from iTunes with Relaunch and next time, load this snapshot (or set it to auto-load).

Relaunch saves you time by taking Snapshots of which applications you are using, and starts them back up for you. Think of it as a launcher on steroids that lets you switch between work contexts with one click.

You can take a snapshot before restarting your system, and after that double-click on the snapshot you created. Then it restores all your files and applications you had open.