IPhone – Unlock iPhone 5 help


I have an iPhone 5 through Virgin Mobile USA. They say cannot unlock it due to "not having the technology", they say they can only unlock iPhone 5c and 5s. They did however give me the code which is useless because I don't know how to do it.

Is there a way to unlock it myself using the code? I tried going to a different carrier, but the iPhone gave the "SIM is invalid" error so I had to transfer my number back to Virgin Mobile after the other account was active.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Sprint will not do anything for me either.
Tried bringing it to some places no one could do it.

Best Answer

The flowchart on unlocking an iPhone (no matter what model or what carrier) is here. If you're having problems with Customer Support with a specific carrier. List the exact words you used to request the unlock and consider getting them to explain exactly what the issue is.

Hold their feet politely to the fire if they are not supporting you as a customer. You will need to be responsible for being clear with them and listening to exactly what they say so they don't "snow" you with irrelevant information. Once you share with them the exact steps you are undertaking (linked below) they will have no where to hide except to admit if they will or will not unlock the device.
