IPhone – Simple minimalistic Twitter iPhone application


I am searching for an iPhone application that does not show or load the timeline. On my phone, I am just interested in tweeting text and/or photos, and consequently, that's what I want my twitter iPhone to do, nothing more, nothing less.

Now I found a good app for just tweeting, but it doesn't let me tweet photos; it's called Birdhouse, it's a really good app. I also have instagram, but it resizes the photos and forces the user to add all kinds of effects. For mentions, which I also care about, I use Notifio which does an amazing job.

So is there an iphone twitter app that let's the user just tweet text and photos, AND that is up to date (by that I mean that it uses oAuth and has been updated once at least in the last three months)? Otherwise, is there a good minimalistic app that just let's users tweet photos with optional text (no effects, no bloat)?

Best Answer

Found exactly what you are looking for. It's called SuperPost by, of all people lol,... MySpace. Needless to say, it's free and also can optionally post to Facebook & MySpace simultaneously. It's not too shabby actually.