IPhone – ny iPhone app that will sync .txt files locally or be able to decrypt files stored in dropbox

applicationsdata synchronizationiphone

I need a way to sync plain text files from a mac that are usually edited with Notational Velocity and they must not pass through any cloud based storage unless they are stored encrypted with a key I create.

I've looked at Evernote, Simplenote, and multiple dropbox based apps but I have yet to find a good solution.

The closest I've found has been MobileOrg with Emacs org-mode to encrypt the files and sync them through dropbox or my own webdav server but being a Vim user this is not optimal. And since I'm looking into this to help someone who isn't as proficient with computers I can't tell him to start up Emacs just to sync plain text between his Mac and iPhone.

(I really don't see the point in having everything passing through the "cloud" other than to provide more information for targeted advertising.)

So is anyone aware of any iPhone app that will edit plain text files and sync them through the local network?

Best Answer

My solution was to use simpletext.ws, since the source is available I can use my own server to sync notes in my local network without having to worry about encryption. And on the iPhone I use the WriteRoom app to search and edit notes.

(As this is my first time using any stackexchange site I'm not sure if I should include this in the original question or answer it myself... apologies in case I'm not following the proper way of using the site.)