IOS – iphone notes app that supports Dropbox sync, search, import text files automatically


I search for a notes application that supports

  • File sync with Dropbox folder
  • Searching the contents of the text files
  • Import new files from Dropbox folder automatically

I found an app that claims to have those features, called Locayta. But on my iphone which has iOs 7.1, importing new files from Dropbox folder doesn't work.

I wonder if there are any other notes apps that support these features?

Best Answer

I currently use Simplenote to sync with my nvAlt on my Mac. While Simplenote is doing the syncing, you can configure SimpleNote to also sync to Dropbox, or you can have nvAlt store the files in Dropbox on you Mac.

A little more in line with your question, I have used Notesy in the past. It uses Dropbox for syncing, and nvAlt could still access the files via Dropbox on my Mac. However, It was very slow to search, and I recall it had several other annoyances. I haven't tried recent versions, so it might be better.