iPhone – How iPhone 7 Plus Dual Camera Works


I just bought the iPhone 7 plus and of course the first thing i tried was to take some pictures with the new dual camera.

I was then wondering how the transition between the two cameras works since while zooming it looks as smooth as the standard digital zooming on any other phone.

So i tried to put a finger in front of only one camera to check when the transition occurs. If you put the finger in front of the right camera (watching the screen) you see your finger no matter how much you zoom, if you put your finger in front on the left camera then you will never see the finger.

At this point i thought that maybe the preview was taken only from the right camera and then when you actually take the picture it gets the image from one or the other according to how much you zoom.

But the picture that i took gave the same result that the preview did, finger on the right camera -> you get a black picture, finger on the left camera -> you get the image without the finger, no matter how much you zoom.

How does it work?
Is it an issue with my iPhone or do i just not get something?

Thank you everybody!

I tried both pinching the screen to zoom and using the "1x" button to activate the "2x" zoom, and i got the same result

Best Answer

I did a simple test to see how this actually work by actually covering the camera in the left (the telephoto lens). I found this pattern: in low lighting the iPhone will always use the wide angle lens (on the right) and digital zoom. Other cases the iPhone will switch to the telephoto on zooms greater than 2x. The iPhone didn't switch to the telephoto when you're covering the lens is because when you cover up the wide angle lens it tricks the iPhone into thinking that it is in low lighting so it will use digital zoom instead.