IPhone – Auto Pairing of iPhone with Toyota Prius


Every time I want to connect an iPhone to the Toyota Prius, I have to do the following:

  1. On the Prius, go to the audio screen, then select the bluetooth tab.
  2. Press the connect button.
  3. On the iPhone, go to Settings > General > Bluetooth and tap the connection to the car.
  4. Wait until the two pair, then exit their respective screens.

Isn't there a way to have the two pair up automatically as they detect one another?

Best Answer

(Our Toyota RAV4 is not at home right now, otherwise I would go look in the manual to see what I did).

I know for our Toyota RAV4, that I was able to automatically pair my wife's iPhone with the car so that each time the car is turned on (and the iPhone is in range of the car), the bluetooth system takes over and lets us answer the phone through the car.

My suggestion is to look in your owner's manual and look up how to affect a default pairing. When my RAV4 comes home in a few hours, I can look up the steps we used.