IPhone – 10 month old unlocking iPhone


My 10 month old has figured out how to open both my wife’s iPhone 7plus and my iPhone 7. The iPhone can be locked which would require fingerprint touch or 6 digit passcode, but for example a moment ago she was ‘editing’ my carrier settings. My baby bought an app a month ago and upon my requesting a refund Apple told me to make sure my phone was locked, which i thought it had been…but gave it the benefit of the doubt. But, recently I have been catching more and more times when we let her explore the item ensuring it’s locked only to have her unlock it.

Any ideas how she could do this? Do I need to eliminate lock screen shortcuts? They require Touch ID. Turn off fingerprint recognition? I thought fingerprints were unique, and her fingers are tiny.
I want her to be able to explore technology; so I don’t t want to completely remove all devices.

Best Answer

There's something like a 1:50k chance of someone having a fingerprint that can unlock your phone, according to Apple.

Those odds drop dramatically for a relative - though right now I cannot find a citation for that, I did read it on teh interwebz so it must be true ;-)
Googling finds a million scare stories but I can find no hard fact to support my claim.

I'd say you just have to keep watching her until she does it, see if her fingerprint can actually unlock your phone. [I'm not experienced enough at parenting to suggest you make her do it repeatedly to see if it works.]

The chances are very much against her guessing the passcode - it would be far more likely that she'd activate the timed lockout instead.