IPad plugged to charger turns off due to low battery


My iPad is connected to charger yet battery level decreases (not as fast as plugged off but still).

Is it a fault that can be directed to Apple Support for warranty or normal behaviour? I though that charging by cable and using device means power is taken directly from grid while battery loads.

It's charged by iPhone plug. iPad plug is bigger and I am in trip so took smaller one. Those end plugs give different charging capabilities? Is it safe to actually swap them like that?

Best Answer

An iPad needs twice the power of an iPhone to charge.

A phone charger will slowly be able to charge an iPad, but possibly not be able to keep up whilst it is in use & doing intensive tasks.

It's safe to swap them, an iPhone using an iPad charger will not be damaged, but as you see, the other way round, the iPad is not getting sufficient charge.

Even switched off, the iPad may show 'not charging' at the top right - but it actually will still be charging, just very slowly.