IOS – iPad: Disable low battery automatic power-off


My iPad (running iOS 11.4.1) is charged at 100% but suffers from continuous rebooting due to intermittent detection of battery charger level of less than 1%.

I have to hard power-off, reboot and the iPad will show 100% battery level – until it decides the level were actually <1% – at which point it auto shuts down.

I just want to disable the automatic shutdown since the problem is simply intermittent faulty battery level detection not actual ground truth level.

Is there a setting for this?

Best Answer


There is no user level setting available to disable power off due to low battery. iOS is programmed to turn the device off in case a low charge is detected (and under various other scenarios).

In your case, it appears that the battery is misbehaving. It is recommended to get your iPad inspected by an authorized technician.