IOS – Why does iTunesConnect ask for export compliance for every iOS app submission


Although I like the new iTunes Connect interface, there's a massive let down on my app: it will ask for my encryption compliance form each time I submit a new binary.

In the "old" iTunes Connect website, it was only asking if the encryption scheme changed (and required a new form, which is understandable), here I have to provide it for every single binary I want to submit.

This slows down the validation process for about 3-4 days each time, which is really frustrating.

Does somebody have the same issue?
Is there a solution to skip this step ?

Best Answer

Each submission could end up live on the store and each change could have export implications.

You could not update things if it's a hassle to do the paperwork, but I don't see any chance that this will be relaxed due to the severity of the penalties Apple would face if they didn't ask and a developer did add content that needed to be classified according to U.S. Law.