IOS – ny free iOS video player that allows you to transfer and keep a folder hierarchy intact


I have a video course folder that in turn has multiple folders (one for each chapter). I was using VLC on my ipad and found out that when I copy the parent folder to the device, it just copies all the files to a folder. ie removing all sub folders and adding ALL the videos in just one parent folder.

I switched to infuse. Turns out you can have only 1 level of folder. ie. if you have a Parent Folder which has 10 sub folders. You will now have just 10 folders without parent. Also this app does not even have basic functionality as playing videos as faster speed.

Best Answer

I'm using PlayerXtreme on my iPhone and it's keeping all level folder, you should try it !

I've only be using the free version so far, but it does the job (and you can get more feature by giving them an availiation on the Appstore)

On their website, they claim that :

  • Files and Folders: Dont need to learn the app. It is almost like using Windows or Mac OSX.
  • Library Organization: Organize all of your media-videos, photos, and music