Icons in Safari’s pinned tabs


Pinned tabs are very useful feature in Safari and I'm using it all the time.
But, I'm having some experience problem with it.
When I pin several tabs from the same domain but different subdomains, I'm getting the first letter as the icon of this pinned tab to be exactly the same. Then it takes me a while to find the tab I was looking for by switching through them one by one.

enter image description here

Is it possible to manually change the icon for these tabs or at least make it to use the first letter of the subdomain instead of the domain name, so it will be much faster accessible?

Best Answer

Not a fix, but a workaround...

It sounds like you really need sub-menus rather than pins.
Pinning a couple of dozen pages really doesn't feel very efficient, vs using the Favourites bar - toggled on/off from the View menu or Shift ⇧ Cmd ⌘ B

enter image description here

With either single-click, or drop-menus -
The first item [to the left of Stack Exchange, blurred] with a small square rather than down arrow will open an entire set of bookmarks at one click.

The others each have drop menus, including sub-folders, each for a specific set of pages across several subjects. They can also all be opened at a single stroke if you right click.

enter image description here

I think once you've got more pins than you can easily differentiate, this might be a better idea.