Dropbox – How to Sync Home Folders with Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive


For some reason, I'd like to sync my home folders (that is ~) with sync tools such as Dropbox/Onedrive/Google Drive.

However, making a symbolism link is not working. Then I found some apps while none of them actually works..

So what's the best practices here? Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

I sync some small local folders using Dropbox (Google Drive seems more reluctant to this sort of thing, I have no experience using OneDrive).

To do this, ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/link in Terminal works for me, no problem.


  • This solution is Mac (possibly *nix)-specific, see here.

  • This is not officially supported by Dropbox.

  • Your home directory contains lots of config files I would be wary of sending via network connection at all.

  • All the services you have listed have 'free' and 'premium' versions. I won't enumerate these here, but be aware of file and upload/bandwidth restrictions which will likely cause problems with this approach.