How to share disk with samba to Mac on another network (High Sierra)


I'd like to share a disk to a Mac on the WAN using the smb protocol. To share the same disk over afp, I simply forwarded port 548 to be available to the WAN. For smb, I've tried forwarding every port that seems to be related, but am unable to mount the disk.

Please answer if you are able to forward access to your disk to another network, and the steps you took to do it. Maybe it's more than forwarding ports.

Thank you

Best Answer

You need the following ports:

  • UDP 137/138
  • TCP 137/139/445

If you are attempting to expose your SMB shares over the Internet, it's not going to work. The UDP ports are not routable over the public internet.

You either need to have a private link between the two sites or a VPN. Even with this, it's a very inefficient method. You are far better off with a cloud based solution.