How to select paragraphs with similar style in Pages 5


Pages '09 had the paragraph styles drawer with a list of all styles. Each style had the following context menu:

Pages 09 paragraph styles context menu

On the new Pages 5, this is how that context menu looks however.

Pages 5 paragraph styles context menu

I can't seem to find where the option to "Select all uses of…" went. Anyone have a clue on how to select all uses of a given paragraph style?

Best Answer

As far as I know, there is no “Select All Uses of …” command in Pages 5.

You don’t need that command to edit the format of all a style’s uses, though. When you change a paragraph's style, like changing some “Body”-styled paragraph’s font, an “Update” button will appear beside the style name in the format sidebar, and the style name will append a * to indicate that it was modified. Click the button and all paragraphs using that style will update.

Format Inspector when a style has been edited has * and Update button