How to run a binary program without showing the gear icon


I created a automator workflow, add a Run Shell Script part and put these lines in:

/Users/xxx/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android avd

I saved it as an app and it works.

But I will always see a gear icon on the menu bar.

I tried to put a & or nohup, if so the program won't start.

Any ideas? The android I'm trying to execute is a shell script

Best Answer

You will always see the gear in the menu bar if you are using Automator. If you want it to exit quickly, create a wrapper that forks off your android script into another process, and exits.

For example, you could run

echo "/Users/xxx/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android avd" | /usr/bin/at now

(source for script is from this Apple Discussions page near the bottom)