How to move (not copy) a file/folder from the hard drive to a flash drive


I have a few movie files I want to move to a flash drive. I don't want the file copied. Once they are moved to the flash drive, I don't want the original to remain on my hard drive.

If I do a simple drag and drop in Finder from one drive to another, it copies the files.

When I right click on the movie files I do not get an option to simply move.

I'm trying to move from _temp to _M.

enter image description here

The menu I get when I right click looks like this:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Hold down the Command key while dragging from the source location to the destination location.

Doing this will perform a move and not a copy.

If you rather prefer to use keyboard shortcuts, simply copy file(s)/folder(s) normally using the keyboard shortcut Command + c and perform a move operation using the keyboard shortcut Command + Option + v at the destination location. Skipping Option will perform a copy-paste.

Here's a quick list of tips for managing files in macOS.