While moving files in Finder, how to prevent the files from hiding the target folder


When you want to move a group of files in Finder in column mode, you first select the group, then drag the group to a target folder. The problem is that the files hide the target folder, and in column mode, you have to put the mouse cursor over the file name. Sometimes, the files fade a little, get out of the way, and a red label with the total number of files is displayed. I don't know when this happens, but this solves the problem, because nothing is displayed near the cursor. Also, sometimes the files are not moved away from the cursor, but there is still a red label displaying the number of files.

Is there a way to force the dragged files to be always displayed in a compact, faded way, with the red label indicating the number of elements being moved ? If it is not possible, when does this happen exactly ?

Best Answer

After selecting the group of files. Position your cursor (not the item in column) inside the column area where your target folder is located. Wait for a few seconds for the list of selected items to fade away right to the mouse cursor.

Instead of using column view, I recommend DragonDrop to make moving files between folders easier.