How to listen to the iPod on an other computer


I have an iPod and it is synchronised on a computer A.

I would like to listen to my music on another computer B, on which iTunes 11 is installed.

When I connect the iPod on the computer B, I am able to see all the screens related to the settings, such as enter image description here or enter image description here
but I don't know how to actually access the content of the iPod to play the music.

Is it possible ?

And, if yes, what should I do ?

EDIT : When I click on "Sur cet iPod" ("On this iPod"), I am able to see the content of the iPod but it seems that I canno't play it… Any advice ? Here is the screen :enter image description here

Best Answer

When your iPod is plugged in, just go to Sur cet iPod (On this iPod) and you can actually play the music from your iPod.