How to install iOS 5.1 Simulator if I’m not an iOS Developer Program member


iOS 6 is finally out, and so is Xcode 4.5 that comes with the iOS 6 SDK.

Unfortunately, after upgrading to Xcode 4.5, all the previously installed SDK versions have been removed and are to be re-downloaded manually. Same goes for the CLI tools.

But the strange thing happened when I went to Preferences › Downloads › Components and hit “Install” next to iOS 5.1 Simulator. I was prompted for my Apple ID and password at me, so I typed the credentials and confirmed. It turned out I was unauthorized to download it, because I hadn’t enrolled in the iOS Developer Program. (Installing Command Line Tools went just fine, though.)

It was a serious matter to me, because I’m a front-end engineer and test my work in different browsers, including the second-latest major version of Mobile Safari.

How can this be fixed?

Best Answer

See Xcode 4.5 and iOS 5.1 Simulator for the solution to this problem:

I headed over to the downloads page for Apple Developers to get the previous version of Xcode (which is 4.4.1). Downloaded the .dmg and mounted it. Right-clicked the to “Show Package Contents.”

I quickly found what I was looking for in Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs and copied iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk to the same location in my /Applications/

The full blog post has some more info.