How to enable the “back” button of a Razer mouse


I couldn't find a way to get the back button of my Razer mouse to work with both Safari and Chrome, is there a workaround for this issue? I'm so used to surfing the web this way.

I apologize for being unclear. I'm not using the Mac mouse, I'm using Mac mini with my Razer mouse. I installed the driver for that Mouse, unfortunately it only allows me to set the sensitivity and acceleration. I also tried to install Google Chrome, but it doesn't work either. When I click the side button of my mouse, it doesn't go back to the previous page. Under Windows, the default behavior of the back button in a mouse is to navigate back to the previous page, but it's not the case under Mac.
I really try to find a solution since I'm so used to the "back" button in my mouse. I feel so uncomfortable when having to click on the back arrow on my browser.
Could any one help me out? Thank you.

enter image description here

Best Answer

If there is no such preferences in Razer preferences then you may try USB Overdrive to assign the button to an action.