How to copy the full smb:// link from a file in Finder


I work in a Windows environment with many different shared drives. I commonly have Finder windows open to different shared drives and nested folders. I have a Service set up (that I created in Automator) that allows me to control-click and "copy full path" of a file or folder that I have selected in the Finder.

What I'm getting looks something like:


However, if I select that item in the Finder and do command-i, I see the full smb:// path that also includes the server name. I would like to copy this, so that it looks like:


How can I create a service in Automator that will copy the entire smb:// network path to the selected file instead of the one that reports as being the full path?

If Automator won't copy the smb:// network path, is there another way I can create a utility that will do this?

Best Answer

You can right click the file, and choose "Get Info" - the popup window will have a property for Server which lists the full URL path with protocol (e.g. smb://