MS Office – How to Create a Shortcut for Pasting Unformatted Text in Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac

keyboardms officetext;

iWork provides the keyboard shortcut Cmd-Option-Shift-V to paste text without it's original formatting. How can I get this or a similar shortcut key for Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac?

Best Answer

I found the answer in this blog post

Create the AppleScript:

  set theClip to Unicode text of (the clipboard as record)
  tell application "Microsoft Word" to tell selection to type text text theClip
end try

Save in /Users/YourUserName/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu Items as Paste unformatted\mosV.scpt (the backslashed bit at the end of the filename provides the shortcut). Restart Word and you can now paste without importing extraneous styles with Apple-Alt-Shift-V.