Find/unbind control shift space? (^⇧ + space)


I read through all of the system-wide keyboard shortcuts in "System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts" and I could not find nor unbind the Control+Shift+Space macro for use by SkipTune's pause/play keybinding. I know how to bind it in SkipTunes, but it just shows me this:Skip Tunes Error

Best Answer

Macs containing a trackpad (i.e. MacBooks) or with a trackpad attached allow Chinese Trackpad Handwriting. The shortcut ctrlshiftspace shows and hides this trackpad.

enter image description here

I have no clue what I have written.

To disable it enable Chinese Trackpad Handwriting and then disable/remove the shortcut for Show/Hide Trackpad Handwriting in System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Keyboard.