MacOS – Can’t use ⌃⌘Space for Evernote Helper as shortcut is already in use


I love Evernote and I used to Evernote helper with the shortcut: + + space.

I have since reinstalled Mavericks and now can't use this shortcut any more.

Just changed Special Characters shortcut to + + T. (it was + + space), but I still can't use this shortcut for Evernote helper.

Evernote only says:

The key combination + + space can't be used!
The key combination "Command + Control + Space" can't be used because it's already used by a system-wide keyboard shortcut. (If you really want to use this key combination, most shortcuts can be changed in the Keyboard & Mouse Panel in System Preferences)

…but I've already changed the Special Characters shortcut.

Best Answer

Go to System PreferencesKeyboardShortcutsSpotlight and disable the Show Spotlight window option.