Default sender in Apple Mail when replying and more than one account

Using Mavericks Apple Mail, I have two Exchange mail accounts, one for myself and one for Jane Doe. The accounts are organised in the left hand mailbox list with mine above Jane Doe's. If I reply to mail sent to both myself and Jane Doe, the default Sender that Apple Mail uses (unless I change it with the pulldown menu of email addresses) is Jane Doe, but it should be myself (since I am writing the email). Is this a bug, or behaviour that I can change? Note that on Preferences > Composing I have set "Send new messages from:" to my email, but this doesn't make a difference (and indeed the setting says it is for new messages, while I am concerned with the Sender of replies.)

Best Answer

Lets differentiate between NEW massages send from and Reply to sender.

There are 2 settings in Mail for each of the purpose.

  • One is for new mails:

That is the setting to either use a specific account or current Mail box account.

  • The other is for Replay-To.

The Reply-To settings are in each individual account settings, there you choose which account is to be used in Replay-To.

  • Preferences- Accounts - Outgoing mail Server (SMTP)

  • set the Server there and check the box use only this server.

Make sure you use (set) different server setting there for each account.