Create a Smart Folder based on an EXIF keyword


How can I create a Finder Smart Folder based on an EXIF keyword?

I confirm that the EXIF keyword exists using exiftool. For example, I added the keyword "Mango" to an image and created the Smart Folder like so:

  • Open a Finder window
  • New Smart Folder
  • Click the Plus icon
  • Change Name to Keywords
  • Next to Matches I type Mango
  • Click Save
  • Save it in the default location (~/Library/Saved Searches)
  • Click the Mango Smart Folder in my Sidebar but it returns no results

How can I create a Finder Smart Folder that searches the files' EXIF keywords?

Best Answer

Note this works for .jpg images (not .png).

  • Open a Finder window
  • New Smart Folder
  • Click the Plus icon
  • Change Name to Other
  • Search Raw
  • Click Raw query and OK
  • Next to Raw Query type "kMDItemKeywords = Mango"
  • Click Save
  • Name the saved search and save it in the default location (~/Library/Saved Searches)
  • Click the Mango Smart Folder in the Sidebar and see your result

Thanks @patrix