How to fix this Smart Folder problem? It keeps switching off of “This Mac”


I created a Smart Folder in the finder called "TV" which searches for files of type movie created in the last 7 days. When I created the search in the first place, I clicked on "Search This Mac" to find all files anywhere. But now, even when I have new files that I've downloaded nothing will show up in the folder. When I click on Search criteria on the top it will say

Search: This Mac TV

and TV will be selected. But, remember, I saved it as "This Mac"

Why won't it stick to "This Mac"? Why does it keep going to "TV" which doesn't make sense anyway, if there's nothing in a folder, then it can't find files in that folder of the type that it's supposed to be searching for…

Best Answer

Here's the steps I used to do what you're looking for which seem to be working the way you want.

Open Finder and click File > New Smart Folder - or press N

Then setup as I have in the screenshot below and click 'Save' near the top right.

Smart Folder Settings

Then, when the little drop-down menu appears for you to save, select the options like I have below.

Save Dialog

Now, you'll get a window left behind like this.

Smart Folder

Now, close your new Smart Folder. Then in Finder, open a normal finder window with either File > New Finder Window or N

Your 'TV' Smart Folder will be listed under the 'Search For' section on the bottom-left if you expand it out, like so

Finder Window