Finder – How to Copy Paste a File Inside a Folder in List View


I am new to MAC

Lets say I have a folder named outer_folder and inside this folder there is another folder called inner_folder which has a file named inner_file1.pdf

I opened the outer_folder in List view and then clicked on the arrow next to inner_folder and copy pasted the inner_file1.pdf expecting that the copy of the file will be created in inner_folder but the copy was created in outer_folder instead

Is this a bug or is this how MAC is supposed to work? Is there a possibility to change this so that the copy is created in the inner_folder?

Best Answer

This is a source of confusion to many.

In List view, the default paste location will be the outermost folder the window is opened from, ie the one named in the window header.

Workarounds are to either Cmd/double click to open your destination in a new window, or more simply right click your destination folder & use Paste Item from there.