Converting a float to hours:minutes in Numbers


Probably this is a very easy thing to do, but as handicapped as I am using Apple's iWork applications, I just can't find it.

I have made a calculation in Numbers which results for example in 14,25 or 16,5. All I want to do is to have this output formatted in hours like 14:15 or 16:30.

I just can't find where to do it. I've tried to change the valuetype to 'duration' ('Duur' in Dutch). But that doesn't help. When I try to use =HOUR(value) it's not giving the correct output and it says the value is not a valid date.

Best Answer

I was trying to do the same thing to represent X seconds in a time format.

=CONCATENATE(A0,"s")+"0s" which A0 is seconds