Command line ps has stopped working correctly after an update

command linememory

I use to be able to run this ps command from the terminal:

ps -u whoami -o pid,rss,command

But recently the RSS size returned are all 0!

ps -u `whoami` -o pid,rss,command
158      0 /System/Library/CoreServices/
159      0 /System/Library/CoreServices/
160      0 /System/Library/CoreServices/
165      0 /usr/sbin/pboard

unless I run it with sudo

sudo ps -u `whoami` -o pid,rss,command
158  17556 /System/Library/CoreServices/
159  22488 /System/Library/CoreServices/
160  82176 /System/Library/CoreServices/
165    840 /usr/sbin/pboard

Does anyone know how to fix this or how to get the original functionality back?

Best Answer

I have 10.6.7 and your

ps -u `whoami` -o pid,rss,command


  180    696 /sbin/launchd
  185  19108 /System/Library/CoreServices/
  189     32 /usr/sbin/pboard
  .... etc ....

so, the problem is in your system. So, what return this:

ls -l /bin/ps

should this

-r-sr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  134816 12 okt  2010 /bin/ps

if your ps has other permissions, repair with:

sudo chown root /bin/ps
sudo chgrp wheel /bin/ps
sudo chmod 4555 /bin/ps