Cannot connect to Wi-Fi (The Wi-Fi network “network name” requires a WPA2 password)


I have had my MacBook Pro for a couple of months (recent Windows convert and total Mac novice). I am running OS X 10.8.4.

Our cable company recently upgraded our modem and cable box and I am no longer able to connect to the Internet over Wi-Fi.

I can connect via Ethernet. Also, two windows laptops, two iPhones and an iPad are all connected via Wi-Fi so I believe the wireless signal is working and can be connected to.

I can see the network but when I enter the password the login box shakes like an incorrect password was entered. This is the same password I use for the other devices and I have carefully entered it many times so it should work.

I would appreciate any thoughts you might have.


Best Answer

I would recommend removing the wireless network from your preferred networks. You can do this by going to your network preferences. As follows:

Open Network Preferences > Select your Wi-Fi connection > Advanced.

enter image description here

Select the network from the list on the first Wi-Fi Tab and hit the [-] key then click OK.

enter image description here

Once you have done this, click Apply on the next screen.

Next you want to remove the password from your keychain to make sure its gone. So open up Keychain Access Application.

Search for the wireless network name. Select the network name and hit delete key. Click the delete prompt to be sure.

enter image description here

Close Keychain access and retry connecting to the wireless. This should have removed all traces of the wireless network from your computer and allow you to try it again.