Batch download URLs from a .txt file


I have a .txt file with URL's on a separate line.

I would like to download these webpages as a page source (a .html file) so I can open them offline in my webbrowser.

I tried to do this with automator, but it doesn't seem to work properly.
My Automator workflow consists of 2 steps: "Extract data from text" and "Download URLs". I've looked on the web for already existing solutions, but I haven't found anything I understand.

Can someone create a program with Automator or Applescript (or something else) so I can download these webpages?

The program should work as follows:

  1. The program reads a .txt file with URLs on a separate line. (The
    filetype doesn't really matter, as long as it is simple for your
    program: .csv, .pages, .doc, …)
  2. The program reads each URL in the file and downloads it as a .html file in order that the webpages are accessible without an internet connection.
  3. All the .html files should be saved in a folder, preferably a folder on my desktop with the name "Downloaded html files"

Thanks in advance,
If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I will respond asap.

Best Answer

To use the following method, you will need to install wget.

Make a file with the extension .sh in the same directory as your file containing the links and add this text to it:

mkdir ~/Desktop/download

while read line; do wget -E -H --directory-prefix=/Users/username/Desktop/download -k -p $line; done < file.txt

cd ~/Desktop/download

Make sure to edit the script and change username to your username

This reads file.txt for the URLs and runs the wget command multiple times with all the links one-by-one and saves them to a folder named download on your desktop.

Run it in terminal with ./ or whatever you named it. If it shows Permission Denied, then run chmod a+x