Aliases in Alfred: Keyword -> Open a specific folder in finder


I would like to define aliases (keywords) in Alfred so that by typing keyboard followed by RET, it opens a pre-specified folder in Finder.

For example: p1 could be an alias for "project_1" that lives under:


so when I open Alfred and type p1, Alfred opens the above path directly in Finder.

Is this possible with Alfred? How?

Best Answer

Yes, you can. There are many ways to achieve the result you want. The easiest method is to create a workflow that contains all the aliases (keywords) that open folders/files in Finder. You must use Alfred 2 for this to work.

  • Open Alfred Preferences and choose Workflows tab.
  • Create a new workflow by choosing the plus sign in sidebar. You can name the workflow as Custom Paths/Searces.
  • Select the active workflow and select the plus sign at top right. Choose Inputs > Keywords as your trigger. Fill in the keyword you want to use for as aliases. You’ll see one node is created in the workflow main panel.

Enter keyword

  • Create a new node from Actions > Launch Apps / Files. Drag the folders you wish to launch from Finder into the list.

Drag folder into list

You can create set of folders if you wish. But by far this is the one I prefer because it offers more flexibility than using scripts like Open ~/Desktop via Terminal.