MacOS – Alfred command: switch finder directory in same window


I am an avid user of the launch application Alfred. I already have key bindings to open specific directories but when initiated, they always open the directory in a new finder window.
Im looking for a method to change the directory of the existing finder window rather than opening a new one. Im open to native or workflow-based solutions.

Any help or ideas are appreciated.

Best Answer

You could do it installing this workflow: Open in Finder Tab.

Just type ot Directory and you will have it open on a new Finder tab.

If you want to open a directory in the same window without open a new tab, you could edit the workflow. Go to Alfred Preferences → Workflows → Open in Finder Tab.

enter image description here

You must right click on Run Script and select configure. It will appear the script source. Just delete the following line and will work.

tell application "System Events" to keystroke "t" using command down