Alias not working in terminal


I'm on a mac in Terminal.

open -a "Sublime Text 2"

opens Sublmine Text 2, just like I want it to.

I now want to alias this to my .bashrc file, which I have an use for other things like prompt configuration.

alias sublime='open -a Submlime Text 2'

doesn't work. Neither does

alias sublime='open -a "Submlime Text 2"'


source ./.bashrc

doesn't help.
Each time I am told

≈:≈ sublime 
Unable to find application named 'Submlime Text 2'

I'm doing this wrong and I know it must be a simple answer…

Best Answer

Either of these should work:

alias sublime='open -a "Sublime Text 2"'
alias sublime='open -a Sublime\ Text\ 2'