How to get “Subl” to work in the terminal


Whenever I enter "subl" in the command line of iTerm it tells me that the command is not found. I have seen many message boards pertaining to this and nothing seems to work.

I have tried entering "ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" ~/.rvm/bin/subl" but iTerm tells me there is no such file or directory.

This post ( is also a popular solution but when I enter "open ~/.bash_profile" in my command line, it opens the generic text editor and "export PATH=" is NOT found at the top.. there really isn't much in there

I've read about bin files and home directories and this and that and now I'm just feeling a bit lost and don't know why this seemingly small issue has turned into such a problem. Just trying to do simple things like "subl ." and have my whole directory open in Sublime Text 2.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

I do not understand why you want to store it in the ~/.rvm/bin/ as that is supposed to be used for ruby related things and Sublime Text is not really that.

Instead place it in /usr/local/bin with sudo ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ Text \ /usr/local/bin/subl

If you get that error using this, try to type it in instead. There could be hidden characters that messing things up for you.