Adding variables to a shell command in Automator

automatorcommand linepath

I use Terminal to run a command. It runs fine from the command line, but I want to be able to automate it with Automator. The syntax of the command (of course, minus the quotes) is as follows:

 spotify-ripper "/path/to/directory" "spotifyURI" 

I've tried countless times to get Automator to:

  1. Ask for finder items (to create the "path/to/directory")
  2. Ask for Text (asking me to past in the URI/URL link from spotify)
  3. Run Shell Script (/bin/bash)

    spotify-ripper "$@"

I have tried it with "Pass input" to "stdin" or "as arguments". Just get an error. I've read that "$@" will pass both variables one after the other which just what I need. I've also tried "$1" "$2" as some posts have suggested.
What am I missing?
I just want to pass path info and a URL to the end of a shell command, but nothing seems to work. I've tried the GET and SET Variable options, but that doesn't seem to help either.

Anyone have any ideas what I should be doing?

Best Answer

There are multiple ways to solve this problem. One way is already described in the question Automator variable in shell script (make sure to enable the options precisely as follows):

  1. Ask for Finder Items (Type: Folders)
  2. Set Value of Variable (Variable [example]: Directory-Path)
  3. Ask for Text (Checked: Ignore this action's input; Checked: Require an answer)
  4. Set Value of Variable (Variable [example]: Spotify-Url)
  5. Get Value of Variable (Variable: Directory-Path; Checked: Ignore this action's input)
  6. Get Value of Variable (Variable: Spotify-Url)
  7. Run Shell Script (Pass input: as arguments; Content: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ; /path/to/spotify-ripper "$1" "$2"—change the "/path/to" part with the real path to spotify-ripper, of course: probably /usr/local/bin/spotify-ripper)

Another way is to use AppleScript, either in a "Run AppleScript" action in Automator or as an AppleScript application saved in AppleScript Editor. Here's an example in AppleScript:

on run
        set spotifyDialog to display dialog "Enter a Spotify URL:" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" cancel button "Cancel" default answer "https://" with title "Spotify Ripper"
        if the button returned of spotifyDialog is "OK" then
            set spotifyURL to text returned of spotifyDialog
            choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder:"
            set theDirectory to the result
            do shell script "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ; /path/to/spotify-ripper " & quoted form of POSIX path of theDirectory & space & spotifyURL
        end if
    end try
end run