Safari Facebook Issue – Fix Adding Comment to Facebook Post Acts Weird in Safari


I'm having this weird issue when commenting on a Facebook post on Safari.

It mostly happens when I try to add a space after adding punctuation like comma ,.

What happens is that the cursor is thrown back to the starting point of comment and erases almost all the text I have entered before the punctuation.

This only happens when trying from Safari while it works normally on browsers like Chrome, Firefox etc.

Did any of you run into the same issue? Is there any workaround to overcome that?

SafariVersion 9.0.1 (11601.2.7.2)
OS X(El Capitan) Version 10.11.1 (15B42)

Best Answer

I had this same problem as well a few weeks ago, I believe I hit tab and it fixed itself never to glitch out again. I should note though that it was a different website, I'm running Yosemite, and my memory is always not the greatest.