ZSH – Strip Path, Filename, and Extension for Piping Commands


The syntax for the command convert in ImageMagick is

convert source_filename.ext1  destination_filename.ext2

I would like to use zsh to feed it with files in a folder path_to_source and output the result (files with same name, but with a different extension) under the folder path_to_destination.

I believe I can use find and xargs for this, but I didn't come up with anything that worked. Also I presume that ZSH may have some builtins that are useful for this. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

NOTE: As far as I know, convert does not have a native way of handling a batch of files, so I need to feed the files one by one. In either case, I'm interested in solving the problem of feeding a command file by file with these arguments.

Best Answer

for x in /path/to/source/**/*.ext1; do convert $x ${x:r}.ext2 done

The r in ${x:r} is a history modifier. There's a short form of for that saves a few characters.

for x (/path/to/source/**/*.ext1) convert $x ${x:r}.ext2
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