Zsh selects a pasted text


Since some update of the zsh a new behaviour of the shell was appeared. I.e. now when I paste a text from the buffer (via the paste command or via the 3rd mouse button — no matter) it "selected" — the background of the inserted text is highlighted as if I had selected it. The selection is disappeared if I press a cursor movement keys, for example.

I use the zsh in the konsole terminal (KDE 5). Now versions of the programs are:

  • konsole – 16.12
  • zsh – 5.3
  • grml-zsh-config – 0.12.6

My distro is the Arch.

Is there any chance to return an old behaviour?

Best Answer

In case you'd like to keep bracketed paste - the feature that causes this - enabled (it improves safety), it's possible to simply disable the highlighting of pasted text:



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